Refund and Returns Policy

You Can Cancel Your Product Within The First 15 Days Of Receiving Your Products Or After Booking, In 24 Hrs You Can Cancel Your Product. The Customer Agrees Not To Dispute The Decision Made By Company Regarding Cancellation Or Refund.

  • For Replacement / Refund Customer Need To Send Us The Product Back Within 15 Days After Delivery Of The Products Else Warranty Will Be Void And Customer Will Not Be Entitled For Any Replacement Or Refund As Delay Would Consider As Usage Of Product By Customer.
  • We Will Replace The Product Once We Receive The Original Shipment From Customer Within The Mentioned Time Frame.
  • Replacement Will Be Done If We Found That The Claim Of The Customer Is Correct After Verification.
  • Photographs Will Be Required For The Dispute.
  • Damaged Goods Will Be Reviewed Within 15 Days After The Claim And Replacement Product Will Be Sent Within A Week.
  • If We Are Not Able To Replace The Product We Will Then Refund The Money In Full.
  • Please Note That The Product Should Be Unused And Should Be Sent Back Along With Original Box To:
  • Customer Can Cancel The Product Before Shipment Through Mail. And Product Will Be Canceled In A Week And Full Amount Will Be Refunded Through Check/Bank Transfer.


  • The Refund Process Will Be Initiated Once We Have Received The Product(S). Typically Refunds Are Processed In Less Than 10-15 Working Days But In Case Of Payments By Cheque Or DD, It May Take A Few Extra Days For The Cheque To Be Delivered To Your Billing Address, And For The Funds To Be Credited To Your Account, Once You Deposit The Cheque.
  • This Policy Is Only For Customer In India And We Won’t Be Able To Provide Exchange Returns Or Refunds To Our International Customer Due To Prohibitive Shipping Cost.
  • If Customer Paid Twice For One Transaction, The One Transaction Amount Will Be Refunded Via Same Source Within 15 To 20 Working Days
  • Damaged Our Defective Goods Will Be Replaced Free Of Cost By Whereas If A Customer Wants To Replace Because Of Other Reasons A Rs. 200 Courier Charges Will Be Applicable.

Refund Policy

We Will Refund The Money The Way The Payment Was Made.

If The Payment Was By Credit Card Or Net-Banking, We Will Refund The Credit Card Or Net-Banking Account.

If The Payment Mode Was Cheque Or DD, We Will Send You A Cheque (Not A DD). Cheques Will Be Sent Only To The Billing Address Of The Customer.

How Do I Return An Item Purchased On

Returns Are Easy, Simply Follow These Steps

Contact Us And Provide Order ID Details

Customer Support Will Confirm The Return Request And Will Inform You About The Pickup Process.

Please Ensure That Product Is In Unused And Original Condition. Include All Price Tags, Labels, Original Packing And Invoice Along With The Product.

We Do Not Charge Extra For Returns And All Replacements/Pickups Are Done Free Of Cost.

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